This is a delicious comforting blend. It is one of my favorite black tea blends! At The Falls is fragrant, smooth and unforgettable just like the waterfall we hiked to last summer. An Ode to The Falls: "Time stands still. We sit and sip. I hear the sounds of dancing birds and the rushing waterfall. I hear the aspen leaves flutter in the wind and feel a leaf land on my damp hair. The rushing of the water mists joyful tears on my face. I have found a quiet place in time. I am hypnotized by the soft patches of moss hiding under the calm pool at the base of the falls." -May I never forget the sounds, the purity or the life found At The Falls. -ChasiTEA Moon (This photo was taken from the top of a Rocky Mountain hiking trail that lead us to the most magestic waterfall I have ever seen, Summer 2022) What a magnificent Planet Earth!
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