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rooibos caramel

based on 1427 reviews
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makes 10 cups
21¢ per cup
12¢ per cup
15 full leaf pyramids
rooibos caramel
Depending on where you're from, you may either say 'car-a-mel' or 'CAR-mel.' Any way you put it, though, this naturally caffeine-free treat with rich notes of caramel flavoring (that is sugar-free!) is sure to have you saying, 'wow! that's good!' Soft and satiny, like a melty caramel. Rounded, sweet and mellow finish.
Herbal Tea | No caffeine | Steep at 212° for 5 mins
Tea Timer

Customer Reviews (1427)


Our teabags contain the same high-quality tea as our loose-tea offerings. Their pyramid shape gives the leaves plenty of room to unfurl and infuse, placing more flavor in each cup. Enjoy the superior flavor of gourmet tea with the convenience of a disposable bag.
15 full leaf pyramids

Ingredients & Lore

blended with rooibos tea & natural caramel flavor

Yummy caramel flavor brings out the natural sweetness of rooibos. Add a little milk or cream, and you'll enjoy dessert in a cup. The flavor reflects both the exquisitely chosen flavorings and the natural oils in the cut and bruised leaves that this red bush tea its distinctive taste. Also evident is the love and care of our farmers who carefully and evenly place them out in the drying fields to oxidize properly. While some farmers use mechanical rotavators for even aeration during oxidation, most still harvest and dry the leaves by hand. Their care is evident in the brew.

Raw Honey for Rooibos

tea honey
This dark rich honey adds a playful floral sweetness to the fruity notes of rooibos and honeybush.
honey for rooibos & honeybush

Questions and Answers

Ask a question about rooibos caramel and have the Adagio Teas community offer feedback.

Does this tea have any sugar in it?
Asked by Michael Adler
on April 16th, 2016
Does this tea or any others have any artificial sweeteners? Because there is no 'added' sugar, but there is 'Natural Caramel Flavor,' that tends to mean artificial sweeteners. I'm allergic to artificial sweeteners and would rather not find out the hard wa
Asked by Luke Lakstins
on February 8th, 2022

Meet our rooibos farmer, Niklaas Jakobus Slinger

To ensure the best quality and value, we import our teas directly from the countries in which they are grown, working closely with the farmers who tender them. Our Roots Campaign connects our customers with the rich stories and the farmers behind some of our most popular teas.

How long have you been growing tea?
32 years. I started working as a laborer on a neighboring Rooibos Farm and for the past 14 years I have been growing Rooibos on my own farm.
What got you started in the tea industry?
I grew up on a Rooibos Farm. After I left home, I worked on different farms producing a wide variety of agricultural products, but my love for Rooibos and the area in which I grew up brought me back home. Since I was a small boy, I dreamed about owning my own Rooibos Farm and 14 years ago my dream came true with the help of my previous employer who helped me to loan money to purchase my own Rooibos farm.
Can you describe a typical day out in the field? How many hours would that be?
During Harvesting season (January - April), I leave home at 05:00 in the morning to turn the Rooibos fermentation heaps on the drying yard. I then go to the fields and start harvesting the Rooibos. At 10:00 I return to the drying yard to open the fermentation heaps and spread the Rooibos thin and evenly to dry. I then continue harvesting till we break for lunch at 12:30. After lunch (14:00) I take the harvested Rooibos to the drying yard for further processing. After cutting and bruising the tea is put into fermentation heaps around 18:00. After that we collect the dried Rooibos from the drying yard. My day ends at around 19:30. A typical working day is around 13 hours during harvesting season.
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