Krampusnacht. My Austrian grandfather regaled me with his lovely scary stories every year on December 5th. He would come for supper, then after dinner he would tell his Christmas mystery and ghost stories..and the final tale was always the Krampus legend! Good boys and girls got gifts from St Nicholas in the morning, but bad boys and girls got visited by Krampus and his little imp sidekick. :) Then I was told to put my shoes outside my bedroom door, tied and as straight and neat as I could place them, and go to bed. :) In the morning, there would be candy, a bit of money and 3 small presents that included at least one handmade item left on and around my shoes. [Because I was a good little girl]. It was a lovely night of story telling and fun with more than a bit of old world flavor. My opa would tell his stories in a mix of German and English, making huge gestures and really hamming it up. This tea is a celebration of his lovely story telling..and Krampus. Be good -- and never, ever forget to say thank you for handmade presents or refuse to wear them (that was like an automatic visit from Krampus LOL)
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