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orchard green teas

based on 98 reviews
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orchard green teas
will make 25 cups
Like a roadside fruit stand in summer, this loose tea sampler offers the best of the orchard in four fresh flavors. Total weight 2.0 oz, makes 25 cups. This set contains four sample sizes of loose tea. This set includes:

citron green - Chinese green tea with the delicate flavors of lemon and lime. An Adagio favorite, refreshing hot and iced. [Moderate caffeine]
apricot green - Green tea from China with delicate apricot flavor. Warm, dense fruit-floral aroma, succulent texture. [Moderate caffeine]
mango green - Vegetal goodness of China green tea and floral flavor of ripe mango. Juicy, creamy finish, candy sweet. [Moderate caffeine]
raspberry green - Fresh China green tea with playful raspberry. Candy aroma, jammy flavor, slightly dry and not too 'cheeky.' [Moderate caffeine]
Green Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 180° for 2-3 mins

Customer Reviews (98)

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