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orchard black teas

based on 90 reviews
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orchard black teas
will make 40 cups
Like a roadside fruit stand in summer, this loose tea sampler offers the best of the orchard in four fresh flavors. Total weight 3.2 oz, makes 40 cups. This set contains four sample sizes of loose tea. This set includes:

orange - Brisk tea flavored with juicy oranges. Zesty orange rind dryness, hints of soft, sweet juice. Perfectly balanced cup. [High caffeine]
peach - Bright Ceylon tea flavored with lush peaches. Delightful nectar aroma, lingering floral flavor and "peach fuzz" dry. [High caffeine]
apricot - Get whisked away to a fresh apricot orchard with our Ceylon black tea, flavored with ripe apricot. Mellow, soft cup. [High caffeine]
grapefruit - A wake-up call to the senses! Invigorating grapefruit flavor with tangy, citrusy Ceylon black tea. [High caffeine]
Black Tea | High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3 mins

Customer Reviews (90)

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