Jasmine Yin Hao (meaning 'Silver Tip') is a deeply perfumy green tea from the Fujian province of China. Very layered and lingering floral aroma. Soft, full-bodied and sweet flavor with a slight dryness in the finish. Our Jasmine Yin Hao grade is among the highest for green jasmine teas. This jasmine green tea has been infused with jasmine many times over to create a truly unforgettable experience.
Green Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 180° for 2-3 mins
Our teabags contain the same high-quality tea as our loose-tea offerings. Their pyramid shape gives the leaves plenty of room to unfurl and infuse, placing more flavor in each cup. Enjoy the superior flavor of gourmet tea with the convenience of a disposable bag.
15 full leaf pyramids
Famous detective Sherlock Holmes is known for his forays into the experimental, but did you know that his creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was just as inquisitive? After hearing about the poisonous plant Carolina jasmine, also known as gelsemium, he decided to test the effects on himself, taking ever greater doses until he could no longer handle the symptoms. If this story makes you a little squeamish though, have no fear. In classic mystery novel form, gelsemium is an impostor plant, bearing no true relation to jasmine at all! Jasmine tea only uses real jasmine, typically Jasminum sambac.
Part of jasmine teas sampler
Explore a variety of teas with our popular sampler set.
Four teas included are:
jasmine chun hao, jasmine phoenix pearls, jasmine silver needle, jasmine yin hao
jasmine teas
will make 35 cups
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How does this compare to Jasmine Chun Hao?
Asked by
on December 4th, 2022
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