A zesty tea that both tastes good and sorta looks like the flag. It's pretty cool that our flag's colors can be represented with kinds of tea. This one has a dynamic contrast of flavors, with a sharp ginger spice and bold Ceylon base that doesn't overwhelm the softer floral-fruity white pear, rounded out by sweet, fragrant lemongrass. Cleansing and stimulating. Represents the wide spectrum of aromantic identities.
Black, white, green... all kinds of tea, all colors of the flag. Although this tea doesn't actually have green tea in it, the colors are there. Also, oolong means "black dragon", so we can count that too, right?
this blend is in a 'ship
Arodynamics has hooked up with Invisibilitea.
Let their love steep in your cupboard and get 10% off when you purchase both 3oz pouches.
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