The classic ISFP is the person you see who is artistic and lives through their senses guiding them. They appreciate art and are gifted. These people have a strong love for what is beautiful and creating beauty as well. However, they can often be quiet and reserved in conversation. They do let their feelings out through their artwork and getting hands-on with the environment around them. They connect with the feelings of other and deeply care for others. They do not need to be the center of attention, but what they create usually is. Some ISFP's you may have heard of are Fred Astaire, Heath Ledger, Doris Day, Liv Tyler, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Chris Farley, Johnny Carson, Dan Rather, Ulysses S. Grant, Marie Antoinette, Mozart, Michael Jackson, Auguste Rodin, and Marilyn Monroe. Some ISFP's in fiction include Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls), Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes), Jane Lane (Daria), Harry Potter (Harry Potter), and Schorder (Peanuts).
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