Hamish has long been a member of one of the oldest private clubs in London. He likes to read the morning paper there, in a leather chair by the fire, while sipping this exclusive blend. Hamish's London Club Blend is for those with a discerning palate, with some of the finest Chinese teas brought together to make a complex brew for those who are ready to take their tea game to the next level. A touch of sweet vanilla, the brightness of lemon peel, and a sprinkle of lavender evoke some of the traditional scents and flavors associated with England. Deb's Tips: *I brew mine at 205F for 2-4 minutes * the delicate nuances of the tea can get lost if you use milk, so you might want to try this on its own * a drop of honey brings out the vanilla and lemon notes * very, very good iced on a warm day. The teas in the All Souls Series of fandom blends were created by me to celebrate the characters and places in my novels.
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