Here in the Underworld, we don't fear the reaper- he's actually the hardest working of us all! Chocolate Chai Pu-Erh and Chocolate teas give death by chocolate it's name, while Blackberry tea portrays his tart yet caring side. Accented with rich Cocoa Nibs, Aniseed, and Cloves for some Cthonic comfort. This blend has enough caffeine to wake the dead, or at least get you through yet another hectic workday.
With all the improvements made to the House's lounge, our own Prince Zagreus has commissioned these various blends not only for the shades to relax with, but as a thanks to those who were by his side during his many escape attempts. We hope mortals who have yet to pass through our halls enjoy them all as well!
Video Review
this blend is in a 'ship
Thanatos: Death Incarnate has hooked up with Zagreus: Pom Of Power.
Let their love steep in your cupboard and get 10% off when you purchase both 3oz pouches.
Zagreus: Pom Of Power
3oz pouch
this tea is part of the Hades: Boons n Brews fandom
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