Full-leaf tea in pouches that make iced tea easy and delicious. Simply place overnight in a pitcher of water. Awake to find a tea rich in flavor and aroma, at a price that's a fraction of the supermarket-bought teas. For quicker preparation, steep in hot water for five minutes and add ice. It contains herbal tea from South Africa with spices reminiscent of a Masala chai. Naturally caffeine-free, perfect any time of day. Makes 32 ounces.
Herbal Tea | No caffeine | Quart of water and refrigerate overnight.
You've probably heard of vanilla beans, but did you know they're actually a fruit? The vanilla orchid grows as a vine on support trees, with vines growing, at least in the wild, as high as they can reach. In industrial settings, new growth is manually turned down to stay at human height. Flowers are then pollinated via pollinators like bees or hummingbirds or by hand-pollination, with one pod resulting from each flower. Rooibos, a bush-like plant from South Africa, isn't quite as hard to produce, with the leaves themselves being used to make tea after oxidization.
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