Questions and Answers
Ask a question about ingenuiTEA 2 teapot and have the Adagio Teas community offer feedback.
What is the difference between this version and version 1?
Asked by Megan Halavi
on October 20th, 2018
Is the original IgenuiTEA with the metal filter going to remain available?
Asked by Lindsey Luttrell
on November 1st, 2018
Does it disassemble for cleaning both sides of the filter?
Asked by K Bowen
on September 28th, 2018
Are you getting rid of the filters for the older ingenuitea?
Asked by Jennifer Zenker
on October 25th, 2018
Is the filter removable or fixed?
Asked by Cynthia Millsap
on October 26th, 2018
Has anyone tried both models & if so, which is preferred & why??
Asked by Stefanie Buzzetta
on February 22nd, 2019
Does this one have the fluid ounce measurements indicated along the side? I already have the first gen version of this product and find that I refer to the measurements regularly depending upon how strong I want my tea that day.
Asked by Caitlyn Dominguez
on April 29th, 2019
Is the plastic safe for use with hot/boiling water?
Asked by Matthew Han
on August 27th, 2019
Why does my filter not snap into place? Is it supposed to just sit there? It seems flimsy and that if I don't have it just right, the leaves will go thru
Asked by Patti Seig
on March 15th, 2020
Is the filter able to strain out ground spices when making chai?
Asked by Susan Larson
on September 5th, 2019
Is this puppy the same as the Teavana tea maker? I've been looking for one since mine went PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTH.
Asked by Angel Kincaid
on August 28th, 2020
Can I use 2nd version's filter for the 1st version?
Asked by A. Wood
on September 18th, 2020
Can they make a 28 oz ingenuiTEA 2?
Asked by Alice Eads
on February 17th, 2020
How do i take it apart to clean? I wish it came with instructions.
Asked by Shirley Hertzler
on March 31st, 2021
Does the filter being removable make it easier to clean? What's the main advantage of this over the original?
Asked by Marianne C
on November 22nd, 2021
Is it safe to leave the filter in place in the dishwasher. Also, I see you are selling replacement filters for the Intuitea2. How often does the filter need to be replaced?
Asked by Donald Emerson
on June 28th, 2024
lid removable?
Asked by Patricia Campbell
on June 16th, 2024
microwave safe
Asked by Ann Hix
on October 30th, 2024