A native of the Mediterranean, peppermint leaves were often used to crown luminaries in ancient Greece and Rome. It continues to be revered for its cooling, crisp aroma, deeply refreshing flavor, and smooth finish. If you have yet to try gourmet peppermint tea, made from just pure peppermint (no added oils or sweeteners), you'll be pleasantly surprised by its superior flavor. Full-leaf tea in portable, individually wrapped bags - superior taste and maximum convenience.
Herbal Tea | No caffeine | Steep at 212° for 5-10 mins
Indigenous to Europe and Asia, peppermint has been naturalized in North America and is found near streams and in other wet sites. It is cultivated for its essential oil. Natural hybridization among wild species has yielded many varieties of peppermint, but only two, the black and the white, are recognized by growers. The former has purplish and the latter green stems. Black peppermint is extensively grown in the United States. The white variety is less hardy and less productive, but its oil is considered more delicate.
Raw Honey for Fruit Tisanes
This locally sourced, exquisite raw honey is a perfect complement to the tart notes of fruit tisanes.
honey for fruit herbals
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