Our Decaf Chai tea blend combines premium decaf black tea with cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. Our interpretation brings a decaf option to the typical Masala Chai with a warm and inviting fragrance, zesty flavor and invigorating, aromatic finish. We suggest two heaping teaspoons per 8 oz cup. Sugar or milk if desired.
A gentle, natural decaffeination process retains the delicate shape and flavor of the tea leaves. Our decaf teas are decaffeinated using the superior carbon dioxide (CO2) process, which retains the most flavor and antioxidants.
Black Tea | Trace caffeine | Steep at 212° for 7-10 mins
Chai is a popular style of tea preparation in India. The process includes steeping tea (typically black Mamri tea, which has been cut down into small tea pellets) directly in milk or water with sugar and spices like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, peppercorn, nutmeg, and cloves. In traditional Indian chai tea, water buffalo milk is used instead of cow's milk. The specific spice recipe, or karha, varies from house to house and shop to shop. Chai is also commonly sold by street vendors known as chai wallahs, who in turn have their own unique karha recipes.
Raw Honey for Black Teas
Layered character of this raw honey is an ideal sweetener for black teas, adding notes of spice and fruit.
Questions and Answers
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What is the decaf process for your teas?
Asked by Harvey Popolow
on February 5th, 2019
How many ounces does each of the 15 full leaf pyramids make, an 8 ounce cup or a 40 ounce pitcher?
Asked by Arthur Casey
on January 19th, 2017
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