Questions and Answers
Ask a question about ingenuiTEA teapot and have the Adagio Teas community offer feedback.
I brewed some chai in mine and now the silicone (I think?) valve bits smell of cinnamon and ginger, which can bleed into other teas I try to brew. Normal cleaning (warm, soapy water) isn't really helping. Help?
Asked by Emily McIntyre
on August 15th, 2016
I accidentally left wet leaves in the base and now the strainer is a little moldy. Hours do I clean it? Am I just resigned to buying a whole new item since I can't get a replacement filter?
Asked by Esby Miller
on September 17th, 2016
Can only Adagio cups be used? Is there a certain diameter a cup must be?
Asked by Kaitlyn Morgan
on May 21st, 2016
Why don't you guys sell replacement strainers? Because after a while they get really funky...
Asked by Brett P.
on January 22nd, 2017
Should 'per cup' loose tea measurements be doubled when making a full 16 oz Ingenuitea pot of tea?
Asked by Brian D
on April 20th, 2016
Does the Ingenuitea require descaling like coffee appliances? If so what's the best method to use to not affect the taste of the tea?
Asked by Michael Layman
on May 12th, 2016
I just got it and I am wondering, how do you detach the bottom to get to the filter to put the tea in or do you just add it to the container and add hot water to it? This didn't come with instructions
Asked by Helen Cryan
on February 4th, 2017
Can I buy a replacement filter?
Asked by Suzanne Kellogg
on November 7th, 2016
can you get a replacement lid anywhere? Think mine went into the garbage with the tea leaves
Asked by Raymond Bland
on March 6th, 2016
Do these not come with the coasters anymore? I liked having them around to catch drips.
Asked by Jen Cleary
on October 22nd, 2016
Can the ingenuiTea teapot be put in the microwave
Asked by Frances Scott
on March 22nd, 2017
Iced Tea question - Wouldn't the tea become cloudy if added to ice while hot?
Asked by Carolyn Stoll
on June 11th, 2016
How do I clean mine? Should I take it apart and soak them in vinegar or will soap and water work? I have 3 and they are all funky and they never came with instructions so I need help please
Asked by Kenna Butler
on July 2nd, 2018
Do you add hot water or does water get hot in it
Asked by Becky Stanley
on October 24th, 2017
Is it OK to pour boiling water directly from the kettle into the ingenuiTEA?
Asked by Elizabeth Ignatuk
on May 23rd, 2019
Before I purchase one I would like to know if it comes apart for cleaning. I purchased one similar from a company who no longer is in business. I love it but am looking for a new one.
Please advise.
Asked by
on November 6th, 2018
No directions for operation included. How do I open it to put tea in?
Asked by Elizabeth Marrow
on December 1st, 2018
How do I clean the loose tea after brewing?
Asked by jane boyd
on January 26th, 2019
Just rec'd mine. Where do you put tea? Does bottom come off?
Asked by Kathleen Krantz
on February 1st, 2019
I have this product and it works ok to brew the tea, but once I release the tea into the cup, the last bits of liquid always leak out the bottom. Is there something I'm doing wrong here?
Asked by Jennifer Shaw
on September 4th, 2019
Are there directions for this? Mine didnt come with any.
Asked by Francine Domschine-Hill
on May 15th, 2019
How does this work for tea with tiny particles? I have a few cheap tea infusers that the small pieces of tea, especially rooibos, just float straight out of the holes into my mug. Want to make sure this won't happen with this.
Asked by Carlee Loupe
on October 14th, 2019
How long for an order to arrive?
Asked by Tonia Doell
on September 27th, 2017
Can I still get the older Ingenuitea that can be microwaved? It's so much more convenient to do everything in one container. BTW - loved mine!!
Asked by Marilyn McMillen
on January 10th, 2020
can you use it for coffee too?
Asked by mythara maroon
on April 25th, 2020
Do you still sell replacement filters for the 16 oz steepers?
Asked by david hodges
on April 22nd, 2020
I have a larger version of this and love it. Will the larger one become available in the future?
Asked by Nina Garrison
on May 29th, 2020
Can I get a new strainer for the bottom of the cup? I would like to replace mine.
on September 15th, 2020
An you use this teapot with tea bags?
Asked by Ransom Washington
on January 17th, 2021
I would like to get a replacement mesh filter for my ingenuiTEA. I don't see these on your web site anymore. Where can I get one?
Asked by Dan Williams
on November 24th, 2020
Do these still have the ounces marked on the side?
Asked by Michelle Vasquez
on July 29th, 2021
What size diameter cup will this work on. My cups are between 3 and 3 1/4 in.
Asked by Nancy Denney
on December 27th, 2021
I am interested in this but I have been reading a lot of negative reviews do u stand by this product I have bought many teas and iced teas from adagio but I'm not sure if this is worth it
Asked by John Antonelli
on November 16th, 2023
How to clean the tea stains for the plastic cup?
Asked by Lynn Jochums
on November 29th, 2023
Is this as big as they get???
Asked by jeff maschler
on June 7th, 2023
What is the maximum heat that can be used with this device?
Asked by Katie McAllister
on December 13th, 2023
Doesn't this teapot come with a drip tray?,(16oz. 2 cup pot)
Asked by Nadine Grundy
on September 21st, 2023
I have an older version.. and would like to purchase a new filter, is that possible? this is the 3rd ingenuitea teapot I have had... but this filter is just needing a replacement.???
Asked by Joan Roberson
on May 7th, 2024
How do you remove the filter? I'm loving it, gifted to me, I just shake the whole carafe out, but sometimes bits get stuck...
Asked by Barbara Johnson
on October 8th, 2024
can you microwave your water to get hot in this?
Asked by Evelyn Agredano
on January 4th, 2025
Is this dishwasher safe?
Asked by Lexis Agri
on March 2nd, 2025