Teavana Favorites by Kim Martinez

My attempt to recreate some of my favorite and missed Teavana teas.

Ginger Coconut Rooibos - Ish
by Kim Martinez
Score: 94
coconut, rooibos cinnamon apple
Pumpkin Spice Brulee ish
by Kim Martinez
Score: 98
tiger eye, maple creme oolong, honeybush pumpkin chai
Comfort Wellness - ish
by Kim Martinez
Score: 99
citrus mint green, lemongrass, green rooibos citron
Slimful Choc Decadence - ish
by Kim Martinez
chocolate chip, summer rose, mocha nut mate
Recovery Wellness - ish
by Kim Martinez
citron green, citrus mint green, blood orange
Caramel Almond Almaretti - ish
by Kim Martinez
Score: 75
sour apple, rooibos caramel, rooibos almond
Caramel Chai Rooibus-Ish
by Kim Martinez
rooibos vanilla chai, rooibos caramel