Fullmetal Alchemist is a manga/anime series by Hiruma Arakawa that ran for a glorious 108 chapters, outlining the tale of two brothers trying to put their lives back together under a government with one hell of a secret, all woven together by some of the best written characters you'll find anywhere. I made these teas in hopes that I can do those characters justice, because really, after everything you'll feel after reading it, you'll need that cup.

alphonse elric
by Truck T
Score: 94
caramel, honeybush vanilla, chestnut
ed elric
by Truck T
Score: 94
irish breakfast, almond, spiced apple chai
roy mustang
by Truck T
Score: 90
assam melody, cinnamon, rooibos vanilla chai
maes hughes
by Truck T
Score: 99
assam melody, mocha nut mate, rooibos cinnamon apple
riza hawkeye
by Truck T
Score: 98
hazelnut, gunpowder, toasted mate
alex armstrong
by Truck T
Score: 99
pu-erh hazelberry, cream, chocolate chai
by Truck T
Score: 95
lapsang souchong, thai chai, green rooibos
winry rockbell
by Truck T
Score: 93
lapsang souchong, vanilla, rooibos cinnamon apple
by Truck T
Score: 99
valentines, masala chai
van hohenhiem
by Truck T
Score: 99
spiced apple chai, hojicha, gingerbread
by Truck T
Score: 95
oriental spice, masala chai, toasted mate
ling yao
by Truck T
Score: 99
gunpowder, white monkey, sour apple
major general armstrong
by Truck T
Score: 90
lapsang souchong, spiced green, spearmint
mei chang
by Truck T
earl grey lavender, hibiscus, white peach
by Truck T
pu-erh spice, tiger eye, pumpkin spice
solf j. kimblee
by Truck T
Score: 99
gunpowder, blood orange, spiced mate
izumi curtis
by Truck T
Score: 80
irish breakfast, oriental spice, honeybush apricot
king (wrath) bradley
by Truck T
pu-erh dante, currant, gunpowder
ran fan
by Truck T
Score: 90
mambo, peach, green chai