wellness teas

Looking to add more functionaliTEA out of your daily beverage? Look no further than our Wellness Collection, featuring teas specially blended to support overall health and enhance comfort, relaxation and digestion.

23 Products

40 winks
17¢ / cup
score: 96
breathe well
17¢ / cup
score: 95
minty comfort
19¢ / cup
score: 96
skinny tea
17¢ / cup
score: 95
elderberry wine
15¢ / cup
score: 92
happy belly
17¢ / cup
score: 92
throat therapy
17¢ / cup
score: 94
17¢ / cup
score: 93
speedy recovery
17¢ / cup
score: 95
jump start
17¢ / cup
score: 93
14¢ / cup
score: 90
arabica lemon turmeric
24¢ / cup
score: 92
17¢ / cup
score: 91
red tent
17¢ / cup
score: 94
arabica chai
24¢ / cup
score: 88
arabica earl grey
24¢ / cup
score: 86
arabica mocha
24¢ / cup
score: 91
mamma mia
17¢ / cup
score: 89
great expectations
17¢ / cup
score: 92
CBD mellow mint
CBD mate chai
CBD restful night
CBD happy buddha