PACIFIC RIM by Hannah Krueger

Please note: I make no profit from these teas (except for points that go back into being able to buy tea!). These blends are inspired by DelToro's Pacific Rim movie, and I do not claim ownership of any characters/concepts therein. Now that the legal stuff is done, go check out these blends for some of my favorite characters and concepts from the series!

Stacker Pentecost
by Hannah Krue...
Score: 99
assam melody, tiger eye, mocha nut mate
Newton Geiszler
by Hannah Krue...
Score: 95
caramel, vanilla oolong, candy apple
Chuck Hansen
by Hannah Krue...
Score: 90
masala chai, gunpowder, yerba mate
Hannibal Chau
by Hannah Krue...
mambo, rooibos vanilla chai, mango mate
Hercules Hansen
by Hannah Krue...
Score: 99
assam melody, cinnamon, masala chai