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Oregons Bridges by Khrissi Satterfield
Hawthorne 1910
by Khrissi Sat...
currant, vanilla oolong, almond oolong
Wimer Bridge 1892 1927 2008
by Khrissi Sat...
dewy cherry, decaf vanilla, decaf chocolate truffle
Antelope Creek Bridge 1922
by Khrissi Sat...
vanilla oolong, dewy cherry, decaf chocolate truffle
Astoria-Megler Bridge 1962
by Khrissi Sat...
rooibos orange, honeybush vanilla, decaf orange
Bridge of the Gods 1926
by Khrissi Sat...
peach oolong, grapefruit oolong, coconut pouchong
Broadway Bridge 1913
by Khrissi Sat...
raspberry patch, wild strawberry, decaf strawberry
Bullards Vert Lift Bridge 1954
by Khrissi Sat...
blackberry, tiger eye, almond oolong
Burlington N. RR Bridge 1908
by Khrissi Sat...
pu-erh chorange, pu-erh spice, blackberry
Burnside Bridge 1926
by Khrissi Sat...
orange, blackberry, raspberry patch
Cape Creek Bridge 1932
by Khrissi Sat...
coconut pouchong, honeybush chocolate, chestnut
Chambers RR Covered Brdg 1925
by Khrissi Sat...
peach bellini, decaf orange, chestnut
Currin Covered Bridge 1925
by Khrissi Sat...
almond, black cherry, oriental spice
Depoe Bay Bridge 1927
by Khrissi Sat...
black cherry, forest berries, raspberry patch
Drift Creek Bridge Blend
by Khrissi Sat...
pu-erh spice, mango melange, peach serenity
Earnest Covered Bridge 1938
by Khrissi Sat...
assam melody, black cherry, almond oolong
Fremont Bridge 1973
by Khrissi Sat...
peach oolong, double ginger, pumpkin spice
Gallon House Bridge 1916
by Khrissi Sat...
vanilla oolong, peach oolong, grapefruit oolong
Glenn L Jackson Mmrl Brdg 1982
by Khrissi Sat...
blood orange, raspberry patch, peach serenity
Good Pasture Cvrd Bridge 1938
by Khrissi Sat...
chamomile, lemongrass, wild strawberry
Grave Creek Bridge 1920
by Khrissi Sat...
raspberry, blueberry, blackberry
Harris Covered Bridge 1936
by Khrissi Sat...
white peony, white blueberry, white pear
Hayden River Cvrd Bridge 1918
by Khrissi Sat...
chamomile, honeybush mango, green rooibos bonita
Hoffman Covered Bridge 1936
by Khrissi Sat...
currant, mango, grapefruit
Irish Bend Covered Bridge 1954
by Khrissi Sat...
irish breakfast, pu-erh dante, caramel
Larwood Covered Bridge 1939
by Khrissi Sat...
mambo, currant, butterscotch
Lowell Covered Bridge 1945
by Khrissi Sat...
vanilla oolong, spearmint, berry blues
Marquam Bridge 1966
by Khrissi Sat...
coconut, currant, decaf chocolate truffle
Milo Acad. Covered Bridge 1962
by Khrissi Sat...
spearmint, wild strawberry, double ginger
Morrison Bridge 1958
by Khrissi Sat...
blueberry, peppermint, watermelon cooler
N Fork Yachats River Brdg 1938
by Khrissi Sat...
raspberry patch, wild strawberry, green rooibos bonita
Neal Lane Covered Bridge 1939
by Khrissi Sat...
pu-erh chorange, pu-erh hazelberry, caramel
ODOT Green - John McLoughlin Bridge 1933
by Khrissi Sat...
ginseng green, kukicha, spiced green
Office Covered Bridge 1944
by Khrissi Sat...
butterscotch, vanilla oolong, chestnut
Oregon City Arch Bridge 1922
by Khrissi Sat...
mambo, caramel, hazelnut
Ritner Creek Bridge 1927
by Khrissi Sat...
lavender lemon, honeybush apricot, green rooibos citron
Rochester Covered Bridge 1933
by Khrissi Sat...
mocha nut mate, turmeric bliss, honeybush hazelnut
Rock O The Range 1963
by Khrissi Sat...
peach oolong, blood orange, chamomile
Rocky Creek Bridge 1927
by Khrissi Sat...
blueberry, berry blues, green rooibos blueberry
Rogue River Bridge 1930
by Khrissi Sat...
pu-erh hazelberry, decaf strawberry, chestnut
Ross Island Bridge 1922
by Khrissi Sat...
assam melody, blood orange, raspberry patch
Sandy Creek Covered Bridge 1921
by Khrissi Sat...
raspberry, strawberry, wild strawberry
Sellwood Bridge 2016
by Khrissi Sat...
blood orange, raspberry patch, chestnut
Shimanek Covered Bridge 1966
by Khrissi Sat...
lemon soleil, wild strawberry, green rooibos bonita
Siuslaw Bascule Bridge 1936
by Khrissi Sat...
mambo, peach oolong, pumpkin spice
St Johns Bridge 1931
by Khrissi Sat...
caramel, currant, peach oolong
Steel Bridge 1912
by Khrissi Sat...
cream, currant, valentines
Thomas Creek Bridge 1961
by Khrissi Sat...
hazelnut, peach oolong, chestnut
Tilikum Crossing 2015
by Khrissi Sat...
cream, chamomile, honeybush vanilla
Umpqua River Swing Bridge 1936
by Khrissi Sat...
blackberry, raspberry patch, lavender lemon
Wilson River Bridge 1931
by Khrissi Sat...
dewy cherry, watermelon cooler, cranberry
Yaquina Bay Bridge 1936
by Khrissi Sat...
pu-erh spice, pu-erh hazelberry, blood orange
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