Juanaloppes Bogus Blends by Ethan Todd

A Bogus Tea Journey
Get your disco on with these peculiar party blends based on the cast of Juanaloppe's Bogus Iliad.

42nd Amendment
by Ethan Todd
irish breakfast, gunpowder, hojicha
Bone Spanker
by Ethan Todd
kentucky bourbon, chili lime green, fruit medley
Creamy Czech
by Ethan Todd
butterscotch, thai chai, rooibos cocomint
Joes Brew or Purple
by Ethan Todd
black cherry, blueberry, peppermint
Juans Black Buckshot
by Ethan Todd
mambo, sweet cinnamon spice, gunpowder
Witches Brew
by Ethan Todd
lemongrass, honeybush vanilla, double ginger