Epithet Tea-rased by Mactoons

Epithet Erased: Season 1
Teas for Molly Blyndeff, Giovanni Potage, Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella, Dr. Sylvester Ashling, Percival "Percy" King, Ramsey Murdoch, Zora, Howdy Morning, Bugsy and Arnold, Gorou Shimazaki, and Howie Honeyglow.

Percival "Per-steep" King
by Mactoons
Score: 96
cream, vanilla oolong, grapefruit oolong
Mera Sala-mint
by Mactoons
Score: 93
lemongrass, spearmint, green rooibos citron
Ram-steep Murdoch
by Mactoons
Score: 98
thai chai, mango mate, kona pineapple
Zora Sip-azar
by Mactoons
Score: 95
pu-erh spice, chocolate chai pu-erh, gunpowder
Dr. Steep-vester Ashling
by Mactoons
Score: 97
white pear, chamomile, lavender lemon
Howie Honey-bush
by Mactoons
Score: 94
honeybush, honeybush apricot, honeybush hazelnut
Tea-ovanni Potage
by Mactoons
Score: 92
hojicha, white monkey, kukicha
Moll-leaf Blyndeff
by Mactoons
Score: 97
mambo, earl grey moonlight
Indus Tea-bella
by Mactoons
Score: 90
lapsang souchong, oriental spice, honeybush pumpkin chai
Mug-sy and Arnold
by Mactoons
Score: 95
blackberry, white peony, pomegranate green
Gorou Steep-azaki
by Mactoons
Score: 93
dewy cherry, fruit medley, peach bellini
How-tea Morning
by Mactoons
Score: 99
pu-erh dante, maple creme oolong, rooibos cinnamon apple