An enchanting collection of tea blended by Naomi of Unicorn Crate. Good tea to drink while reading good books, rainbow watching, or to infuse your day with just a bit more magic.
Bookish Beauty
by Naomi Farr
Score: 97
white peony, vanilla green, raspberry patch
Buttercream Kisses
by Naomi Farr
Score: 90
vanilla, rooibos vanilla chai, honeybush hazelnut
Summer Cake
by Naomi Farr
Score: 95
summer rose, wild strawberry, rooibos vanilla
Unicorn Dreams
by Naomi Farr
Score: 90
chamomile, spearmint, decaf blueberry
Rainbow Mist
by Naomi Farr
blood orange, rooibos almond, rooibos lemon cloud
by Naomi Farr
Score: 90
chocolate chai, masala chai, peppermint
Get Up and Gallop
by Naomi Farr
Score: 90
cream, passionfruit, rooibos orange
Prancing Ponies
by Naomi Farr
snowbud, white peach
Unicorn Woods
by Naomi Farr
forest berries, white monkey, green rooibos blueberry
Unicorn Breakfast
irish breakfast, earl grey lavender
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