Monty Python by Claire Lefton

Upperclass Twit of the Year
by Claire Lefton
Score: 99
irish breakfast, earl grey moonlight, cream
Ministry of Silly Walks
by Claire Lefton
artichoke green, spearmint, chestnut
Dead Parrot
by Claire Lefton
Score: 90
blueberry, blackberry, white blueberry
by Claire Lefton
irish breakfast, cinnamon, forest berries
Monty Python's Holy Grail
by Claire Lefton
earl grey moonlight, forest berries, lemongrass
Lemming of the B.D.A.
by Claire Lefton
caramel, chocolate chai, candy cane
The Meaning of Life
by Claire Lefton
pu-erh dante, earl grey lavender, oriental spice
Self Defense (Fruit)
by Claire Lefton
raspberry, tiger eye, gunpowder
Election Night Special
by Claire Lefton
irish breakfast, earl grey moonlight, candy apple


Life of Brian
assam melody, toasted sesame, rooibos jasmine