About Custom Blends
Our Custom Blends are created by customers like you and a great way to experiment with tea, make a unique gift, or make fandom devoted to your favorite subject.
These are offered in three sizes: sample tin, 3oz pouch and the 5oz tin. They are the only increments in which this product is sold. Please see the 'Blend Sizes' FAQ for more detail.
All are loose teas. Because of their customized nature, we're not able to offer them in teabag form.
Create A Blend
Are you a mixer? Many people love mixing teas and we've made it fun and easy to mix different flavors to create a whole new tasty blend. Your friends can buy your blend too, but we suggest you try it first. Not all blends are tasty!
How to Create a Custom Blend
Creating a blend is easy. Make sure to login first so that your blend gets saved to your account, and then go to the create blends page
The creation page allows you to actualize your ideas. You can either select one of our own formulas or do everything your way.
To get started, simply select your teas by choosing them from the drop down list and picking the desired percentage of that tea. Make sure not to go over 100% because unfortunately we cannot defy the laws of nature.
Once you're done picking and choosing, you can personalize your blend by adding a name and choosing an image for the label. Be creative and remember you must own the copyright or have the necessary rights for any content you upload.
Blend Sales
For every sale your blend gets you can earn 3 points per sample tin you sell, and 12 points for larger sizes!
Blend not showing up?
First, check the My Blends page. If it is not there the blend may not have been saved due to a few reasons.
A special character may have been included (particularly a smart apostrophe or a smart comma) that made an error when trying to create your tea. Or, you may have been trying to use a name that we have banned from use for copyright reasons on our site.
Please be sure to remove any special characters from the name of the tea, or try naming your blend something else. This should correct the error.
Find My Blends
We've made it very easy to see all of your creations. Simply go to your profile and you will see all your blends under Signature Blends. Or, using the top navigation, hover over Blends and click My Blends.
Blend not showing up?
First, check the My Blends page. If it is not there the blend may not have been saved due to a few reasons.
A special character may have been included (particularly a smart apostrophe or a smart comma) that made an error when trying to create your tea. Or, you may have been trying to use a name that we have banned from use for copyright reasons on our site.
Please be sure to remove any special characters from the name of the tea, or try naming your blend something else. This should correct the error.
Advanced Search For Blends
Please use our advanced search feature to search our blends by caffeine level, or the inclusion and exclusion of a particular tea.
Or you may search by blend name, creator name, tags, or fandom/group here.
Blend Sizes
Custom Blends are available in three sizes:
Sample tins
These are small metal tins with a sliding top, measuring 3.25 x 2 x 0.75 inches. Each contains approx. 0.8 - 1 ounce, enough loose tea for about 5-10 cups.
3oz Pouches
Pouches measure 8.5 x 5 inches, and contain enough loose tea to make about 35-40 cups.
5oz Tins
These tins are the largest available size, each tin measures 5.75 x 3.75 x 2.5 inches. They contain enough loose tea for about 60-65 cups.
The number of cups each size yields may be slightly less for blends which contain light, or more delicate teas.
Create Custom Fandom Sampler
To create your custom sampler, simply add 6 fandom sample-size tins to your cart. They'll come packaged in a box with the six labels printed on the front!
The order you place the sample tins in your cart dictates the order in which the boxed will be packed and the labels printed.
Edit Blend Recipe Or Artwork
Remember, you must own the copyright or have the necessary rights for any content you upload.
Edit Recipe
To edit the recipe of the blend, go to your profile and find your blend under Signature Blends. In the top right corner of the blend's picture is a big orange 'edit' that you should click. Scroll down on the blend page to the Ingredients section. There click edit below the ingredients or accent. Make your desired changes and click 'update'.
Edit Artwork
To edit the blend artwork select the individual blend you wish to edit, by clicking the small "EDIT" icon next to the blend title, or clicking the blend tin image.
All custom tea blends are illustrated with a unique image. For this reason, blends require a photo. The image you submit will be printed on the blend's package.
Images must be a .jpg file format.
Image Recommendations
- For the best resolution of main tin image, your final image should be 700 x 437 pixels
- For the best resolution of band image (for groups/fandoms) should be 1400 x 265 pixels (front panel: 850 x 265; side panel: 550 x 265)
- Important image information should be at least 20 pixels from all edges
- Incorporate any text you'd like to appear on your blend into the artwork itself, including the blend name or steeping recommendations
Create Group Or Fandom
If you've created more than one blend based on the same theme, you can choose to create a Group or 'Fandom' for these blends.
From an individual blend's page, scroll down and look for the Group section. Select the checkbox, then create a name for your group. Then you can add your other similarly-themed teas to the group following these same steps.
Once a group or fandom is established, you can add artwork to the sides of the tin. Look for the instructions in "Edit Group Or Fandom Band" below.
Once you've created your fandom, you can also create a quiz to allow your fans to join your group! Look for the 'create community' next to your group in the My Blends page.
Edit Group Or Fandom Band
On the individual page of a blend: Look for the 'EDIT' icon below the image of the tin/pouch. Clicking it will open two boxes - one for cover art and one for band artwork, to which you can drag and drop your new image, or click inside the box to upload an image from your computer.
Images must be a .jpg file format.
Image Recommendations
- ALL text you wish to appear on the blend must be included in the image
- Full tin/band artwork is only allowed once the blend is in a group
- For the best resolution, your final cover image should be 1400 x 265 pixels; and front panel: 850px - Side panel: 550px
- You must own the copyright or have the necessary rights for any content you upload
Delete Blend | Delete Group Or Fandom
Delete Blend
Create a bad mix? No problem. Go to your profile and find your blend under Signature Blends.
On the individual page of the blend in question, scroll down and look for the Privacy Section, and in the options there you'll see the option to 'delete blend.'
Delete Group or Fandom
To remove a group or fandom, navigate to the individual blends in the group, and remove them. Find this in the 'group' section of the individual blend pages, and use the 'leave group' option. When removing the last blend from a group, the 'delete group' option will appear under the group name. Selecting this will delete the group/fandom.
Blend Sales
You are able to see how many people have bought your blends by going to Blends > My Blends. On that page, you can see the number of sales. Just make sure you are logged into your account.
If you sell a sample tin of your blend, you receive 3 points, and if you sell a 3 oz pouch or 5 oz tin you receive 12 points.
ChariTEA Program
Alternatively, instead of earning points, you can dedicate your blend to a charity of your choice. Learn more in the "ChariTEA Program" section of this FAQ.
ChariTEA Program
Our ChariTEA Initiative. At Adagio, we want to do our part in giving back to different organizations, and now are inviting you to help out as well. Instead of you receiving points for the sale of the blends you created, you can now opt to give 5% back to a charity of your choice instead of receiving points for sales.
To make your blend a part of the ChariTEA program, please ensure your custom blend is public. When creating or editing your blend, please look for the 'Give Your Points To A Charity Of Your Choice' option, and select a charity from the drop-down list, or choose your own.
When the amount totals up to $50, we will send a donation to that charity. It's a small way to help do your part for an organization you love.
Blend 'Ships
Once you've created a few blends, and grouped them together, you can select two of your blends to be in a relationship. On the individual page of the blend, look for the 'Is This Blend in a Relationship' section, and use the drop-down menu to select its partner.
When the two 3oz pouches that are shipped are purchased together, the customer saves 10% on those teas.
Return A Blend
We unfortunately cannot offer returns on blends because of their individualized nature. Don't let that deter you though. We offer all of our signature and fandom blends in sample sized tins, which give you the opportunity to try a small amount of the tea before committing to a larger order. We hope you'll enjoy them all!
Blend Copyright Violation
While striving for maximum creativity, we are bound by the limits of copyright restrictions. Whenever we discover that a blend may be violating these, we remove it from our assortment.
If you find that your blend was removed, we kindly ask you to modify its contents, so as to not include any copyrighted text or imagery.