Ginger peach tea has become an American classic. Adagio's Ginger Peach Black has the soft warmth of ginger with the sweet depth of summer ripe peaches and apricots, paired beautifully with tangy, naturally citrusy Ceylon black tea. Enjoyable any time of year as a hot tea, we find it to be particularly refreshing iced.
Happy Tuesday! The big chill is on. Hit 32 and don’t expect to be here again until Saturday. Stay warm folks.
12:01 am
I would love 32, we are sitting at 11 now. I can't wait for spring...
12:04 am
It’s exactly 0° here right now! It’ll be -6° when I get up and go to work 😭
12:08 am
I woke to -7. high is 10.
01:09 pm
Good night everyone 💤
12:02 am
My photo, my grand daughter and I made Selefina Lemon Ginger Bars today. SOOOO yummy. She's so proud of herself, so am I. She said it was the best part of our FUN BUSY day.
12:06 am
That is so sweet!
12:06 am
She thinks it is so COOL to have all the spices in the " cute little kits" Selefina's recipe sampler packs.
12:09 am
Making memories together. She’ll remember these things for years to come.
02:18 am
This sound tasty, Mary! And I'm so glad you had a good day with you granddaughter.
06:08 am
Blessed with both girls for two more days while school is out for break. Tomorrow we are making Molten Lave Cake from Selefina. Ih to be 10 again
04:26 pm
Good night
12:09 am
Yum! I was pleasantly surprised at ginger peach, and I’m not a big ginger fan! Can’t update my review for some reason.. Maybe it’s another case of having different permissions on desktop?
12:26 am
I think you can only update your review once, so if you've already updated it, maybe that's the issue?
06:09 am
You need to temporarily change the number of stars that you give it, update your review, and then put the number of stars you really want to give it.
07:47 am
Good night, tea buddies!
12:27 am
Happy birthday, Robin, Patricia, Brianna, and Jennifer!
12:43 am
Good night~ 😊
01:14 am
Happy birthday Robin, Patricia, Brianna, and Jennifer 🎈🎈🎈🎈
01:21 am
Happy birthday to all of today's celebrants, and happy Tuesday to the rest of us! Sweet dreams CT, stay warm.
01:31 am
So cold here tonight and cold again tomorrow. A very Happy Birthday to Robin, Patricia, Brianna and Jennifer. Have a fun day today sipping your favorite tea and keep nice and warm!
01:36 am
Nice windmill picture, Michelle!
01:39 am
Thank you, A. Structures always present a challenge for me, and this was my second attempt. The first one was entertainingly reminiscent of a Dalek from Doctor Who. I'm pretty sure behind it's blades there was probably a plunger style ray gun hiding. It's always fun to try something new.
11:01 am
Michelle, your windmill reminds me of the old ones in Germany.
11:32 pm
Good morning, everyone! I FINALLY got my dispute cancelled so I can make payments for my PC. Took them long enough, right?! Of course now they're saying I have past due payments. 🙄 So annoying because it's their fault. Hopefully the payments process soon.
04:04 am
Good morning communiTEA. Cold day here today. Lots of hot tea will be in the works.
04:16 am
Good morning, lovely Adagians. Happy Tuesday! I hope your day is off to a great start. It's quite cold, but clear over here, with snow in the forecast in the near future (Wednesday evening/Thursday morning). We'll see what happens. In any event, I guess I'll try to get as much done before then as possible, in case I need to hunker down at home. God bless and have an amazing day! 😇🫖🙏🍵🍪📚...
05:08 am
Good morning
05:45 am
Good morning
05:56 am
Good morning 🌞
06:08 am
Good morning everyone!!!
06:09 am
Stay warm today 🫖😊
06:16 am
Good morning! Another cold day here. So lots of tea needed!
06:28 am
06:44 am
Happy Tuesday!!
06:47 am
I meant to get up an hour ago....but just couldn't make myself leave my blankets. 7 degrees this morning. I'm freezing! Brewing tea and thawing out my brain. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!
06:56 am
Good morning
07:08 am
It’s a good morning for tea.
07:15 am
Good morning everyone. I love Ginger Peach tea but I ran out recently. I hope you enjoy it. I will make a cup of Peach Oolong mixed with a little Double Ginger this afternoon to enjoy the flavors. This morning I will make some At the Falls blend. I hope everyone stays warm and tea-hydrated today.
07:26 am
Janet, oh know how I love At the Falls. Great choice!
08:08 am
Happy birthday to Robin, Patricia, Brianna, and Jennifer! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
07:35 am
Good morning! Sipping some Irish Stout and will have today's tea later.
07:36 am
Good morning! In honor of the ginger in today's ginger peach, let's talk about spices...sort of. What's your favorite thing about Selefina? I love that it's so easy to replenish my pantry with good herbs and spices. Inevitably, I place an order and a day or so later realize that I'm low on oregano...or thyme...or something. Then I can just place another order and quality herbs/spices are here in a matter of days. (It helps that I live close to Adagio's/Selefina's headquarters.) No out-of-the-way trips necessary!
07:49 am
I like the freshness of the spices and the little jars they come in. They call them pinch jars but I don’t like to stick my fingers into them but I put the desired amount into the lid, adjust if needed then throw them into the recipe. They also work well with measuring spoons.
08:00 am
The little jars are a nice feature. I like that I'm not necessarily stuck with vast amounts of herb blends I don't use frequently.
04:27 pm
Anneke, we love everything about Selefina's spices and do not buy any from any other source (unless Selefina does not carry it). The freshness cannot be beat. I also love their dried mango. I will not eat fresh mango...something about the consistency or something...but am addicted to Selefina's mango. I never used much pepper but ever since we started getting Selefina's whole black peppercorns I find myself adding it to almost everything...the black pepper we used to get has no taste whatsoever compared to Selefina's, which is just so good. We also love the tomato powder and use it instead of tomato paste. It has so much more flavor, without being acidic. We love all of the kinds of paprika. I love the nigella seed, which I had never had before. Now I sprinkle it on eggs and salads. It adds so much flavor. I could go on and on...
08:17 am
I will have to try the nigella seeds on eggs and salads, Mary. That sounds intriguing.
09:13 am
I really like their peppercorns too. They really are so much more flavorful. And, I have them in the little grinder they sell. I have three of the grinders now. Love that the jar on the grinder lets me see the spices and how much I have left in there. The little cap on the bottom may be the best feature; it catches any stray flakes keeping them off the counter and can also be used to grind the spice into directly and then dump into a dish. Also, the adjustability works really well. I've never liked the big wooden pepper mills that are available at most places. You never know when you need to refill them until they're empty and they're just too tall and easy to knock over. The Selefina grinders don't have those issues. Right now I have mixed peppercorns in one, szechuan peppercorns in a second and white peppercorns in a third.
09:54 am
The little sample packets are really handy too. Some spices I use rarely and this way it's affordable to replace them periodically and not have to get a full jar for several dollars that I won't use up. It's a convenient way to keep my spices fresh.
09:54 am
Nancy, I will have to check out their grinders. The cap sounds very useful!
04:28 pm
I adore their cinnamon, rose petals, and that they have the 'mixes', so many fun options! If I just had more time, and perhaps motivation, to cook or bake more!
10:24 am
I agree, fresh spices and pepper are an absolute must. I love the pinch jars for getting a round teaspoon to fit in it to measure it out properly. I splurged and got their 15 pinch jar wooden rack and love it. I enjoyed doing the spice advent calendar to get a daily spice surprise! My fav spice hack is to buy whole spices and grind them myself. They stay fresher much longer. I have done with cumin seed, to make my own curry powder mix and also various types of dried chilis to make my own chili powder. I use a cheap coffee bean grinder exclusively for spice grinding so there is no coffee flavored spice. I also like Penzey's spices but since I am ordering tea so frequently I have switched to Selefina. I find they are comparable quality and it is easer to get to the shipping min when I combine tea/spice orders.
06:47 pm
Another frigid day in western NY! It's currently 9⁰, with a windchill of -9⁰. At least we will FINALLY warm up to the 30s by the weekend!
07:49 am
Today you are you, that is truer than true With cakes and with teacups all faithful and blue Your day is more fun than a kettle's big brews! # Happy Birthday to all those celebrating today!
07:50 am
Woohoo! I flipped my first magnet card today! Very exciting!
07:52 am
Which one did you get Anneke?
07:53 am
A black tea magnet card - even better, IMO! I'm thrilled!
07:54 am
That’s a good one. I’ve never gotten a magnet card. I had an oolong blocker until someone takes it off my hands. Now I have a card search card that I use all the time.
07:56 am
I traded for a coffee blocker a while ago.
07:57 am
I had gotten an oolong blocker card once and as soon as I flipped it over I put it in my shopping cart to make it disappear. I like oolongs, I was mad I even got that thing.
08:41 am
I wouldn't mind the card search card. That would be quite useful.
09:12 am
I have a black tea magnet and herbal blocker. I got both from trading sample cards. I had a spice card magnet and oolong magnet and traded them. What does the card search card do?
02:50 pm
I didn't know that such cards existed
08:04 am
Me either
09:12 am
It is always a good morning when Early Riser is in your cup. What a great morning blend by Irishman of Grapefruit Oolong, Orange, Irish Breakfast, orange peel and lemon peel. I am now fortified to do our grocery shopping this morning.
08:06 am
Good Morning lovely Adagians!
08:43 am
Good morning!
09:03 am
Just waking up here. It’s -15° outside. No wind, so “feels like” is the same. Glad to be warm, working at home, and making a cup of tea, in contrast to my guy who has to dispense curbside orders today starting in a few minutes. 🥶
08:54 am
Good morning! Its still only 10 degrees but the wind isn't so strong. This may be a good day to stay in and clean . Someone give me a push please 😃
09:13 am
You can do it. 5 minutes matter. & once you start, you maybe motivated to keep going! 😁☕️🫖
09:25 am
Anyone interested in a formosa oolong trading card? Looking for Coconut or Zodiacs. TIA
09:24 am
I sent an offer! Feel free to counter for the Capricorn instead if you’d like
10:02 am
Well, what a fun start to my morning. Was ready to get to work and had passed five houses on my street before my check tire pressure light came on. I was going to keep on since it is very common for tire pressure to change during these next few months, but intuition said no pull over and check. Glad I did, I had a flat of all flats. How I got five houses down without noticing changes in the car is beyond me. I very slowly and very carefully drove back to my driveway. Now I wait for assistance as I sip on chamomile to help my nerves. Hope everyone else is having a better morning 😅.
09:25 am
Oh no! I hope you get your tire fixed soon.
09:27 am
I have contacted my local tire shop and they are bringing me a new one in a couple of hours. So I will be on the road soon again today 😊.
09:28 am
So glad you weren't stuck further from home and could get back safely to wait for a repair.
10:01 am
Twyla's AstroWeatherVane ~ 🌬🧭✨️ Sun enters Pisces 〰️🦑🌅♾️🌊🐠 We’re awash with Pisces energies. Time to swim in Mystic Waters! This may include dreamy moments sipping tea, meditating, collaging or artwork, getting moreso into divination, being introspective or maybe even retreating in quietude. Tune into your feelings and make note of your dreams. If you have been hermiting much of the Winter, you may feel like emerging and drumming up SPRING feelings & gathering with others. However, the converse, if you were gathering a lot over the Winter--you could feel a need for alone time. The Moon is in Scorpio, this week and then moving into Sagittarius. So, this week could bring deeper emotions..& then, as we go into the weekend, we can feel more expressive of these emotions & perhaps even, more social. Also, in Pisces Season-- We have a total lunar eclipse on the 13-14th! 🌛🌚🌜Get that Dark Side of Bella Luna ready to sip! Happy Solar Return my Fellow Fishes! ~ 🎶🎸🎙💚👐🏼
09:26 am
I'm definitely feeling this. Just loving reading, staring off into space and enjoying the simplicity of life :)
02:13 pm
03:02 pm
Good morning CommuniTEA. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.
09:51 am
I have this tea on my wishlist—I do love ginger and peach together!
09:52 am
It's a great combo!
09:58 am
Yesterday, sipping with a bestie...we lamented how much we love SPICED Green. My Icelandic Wintry blend was the brew, with some Snowbud added--... (Wish that Adagio had Snowbud back in the catalog, as well.) .....I don't know what I want to replace the Spiced Green in that blend with yet when the time comes to do so....🔎🤔
10:00 am
I have recently fallen for the spiced green, I am also sad to see it go
10:23 am
Good morning! It's been a slow start to the day. It does not feel like a Tuesday, but a Monday lol.
10:03 am
Agreed! Love the peach and ginger combo. There is something so warm and inviting- like warm peach pie!
10:20 am
Today's tea shall be an iced sip for later in the week... ..Thus, This Morn--...Enjoying my Beatles Tribute blend & ode to this year's Solar Return, for moi...
10:24 am
Good morning I woke up to snow and the temperature out side is 3 degrees. Good day to stay inside
10:25 am
Yay snow! But oh man that's soooo cold!
10:40 am
Today is Cow Milked on a Plane Day, I guess they milked a cow on a plane to see how it affected milk production. Wonder what the cow thought of that?
10:26 am
Michelle, let's hope they didn't use the plane that goes up and down like a roller coaster to simulate space flight. That could have been a very messy business LOL where do they come up with these ideas? I'm sure there might have been a hefty grant that associated with it 🥴
10:59 am
Great visual!
07:10 pm
You know I’m good at making up stories so here goes: I THINK that a military transport plane loaded a few cows through the loading door in the back, took it up for 15 minutes, then came back down and everyone had a MILK SHAKE!!! Who has the next story?
07:13 pm
Maybe the turbulence is the air is where frothed milk came from?
10:35 pm
Good morning! Going to enjoy the last snow free day today. Tomorrow we get snow and temps hovering around the freeze point so roads are going to be icy!
10:44 am
Reading chat, so many of you are dealing with the Frozen winter weather. Out here in southern california, winter is about the only season I really enjoy anymore because our temperatures are nice and chilly but mild. Unfortunately, spring here is all too brief and it will be followed by some really noxious hot summer days. I wish we could find a nice climate where it was temperate all year long.
10:58 am
I agree, Michelle. It just gets too darned hot here in the summer, but much worse than you get.
07:10 pm
I’m right there with you, Michelle and Jan. I’m in the Arizona desert. It amazes me how cold it is in other parts of the country right now.
11:49 pm
Good Morning y'all! I'm gonna let my husband try the ginger peach of today, because I'm not really a fan of a lot of ginger.
11:02 am
I actually didn't really notice the ginger at all. To me it was a black tea with some peachy notes to it.
10:34 pm
I'm so glad I'm not doing CT this month - there are so many teas in here I'd skip (today is definitely on that list). But glad to still be able to say hi to everyone. :)
11:23 am
Hi Alyssa!
03:34 pm
Me too, Alyssa
07:09 pm
When I was taking notes for this tea, the first thing I put was that Ginger and Peach are a classic tea combination! I love that that’s the same description that adagio gives in its first sentence!
11:47 am
Finally finished my little ankylosaurus. It's my friend's favorite dinosaur and I'm gonna give it to her our next game day. Today was also tea delivery day! Finally got more of that sweet, sweet caramel creme brule.
11:56 am
What kind of game? Our party adopted an ankylosaurus in our current dungeons and dragons campaign.
02:32 pm
Oh my gosh, I love the caramel Creme brûlée too! I think I e picked up a couple of the sample pouches and have another in my cart!
07:08 pm
Nothing like sleeping in the day after a convention. Now I need tea. Thank you for he cherry marzipan Widdendream!
01:09 pm
Haaaappy Tuesday!
01:12 pm
Today’s tea is one of my favorites for cold brewing. It just has so many delicious flavors in it that I love. This morning however, I will be making a cup of hot tea. I haven’t had a cup of Julie’s St Nicholas Day for awhile so I think I’ll start my day with it. Happy tea sipping, friends!
01:20 pm
I woke to -7 outside and now it has climbed to 6, high is 10 today. At least it is sunny. My heater just can't keep up in my kitchen. The wall thermometer said 58 this morning in the kitchen. I think I will spend my day mostly upstairs where it is warmer.
01:22 pm
So I've spent more time today talking with the college kid about car shopping than doing any work. The current car ('02 PT Cruiser) is a total jalopy, not even worth repairing the major issues it came with, and we're hoping it makes it to the end of the month. Kid's got their eye on a couple of used Subarus and I feel MUCH better about these options with them up in the bitter NE winters. Hopefully one of them will pan out sooner than later. Fingers crossed!
01:28 pm
My son recently got into an accident that totaled his car, a 2018 Malibu. He contacted the used car salesman he had worked with getting that car. He was sent links to the available cars in the inventory with the promise of additional listings as more inventory came in. He was able to get his second choice when financing didn’t go through for another person looking at the car. It sometimes helps having a relationship with a salesperson who can help you navigate the options. Good luck with finding a suitable vehicle.
01:50 pm
Sounds like it all worked out for the best! Here's hoping it goes that well for my kid. They have at least learned that you don't buy a car on vibes alone, so that's a positive. 😝
02:26 pm
03:35 pm
My hubby just rolled his Suburban (ice patch) off a road and down a hill hitting two trees yesterday. He walked away with a few bumps and scratches. His car is totaled, we are now car hunting.... Sigh....
07:09 pm
The windchill finally climbed into positive territory. The windchill made it feel like my eyeballs were going to freeze. I loathe polar vortex weather. The ginger peach tea was a good warm cup.
01:53 pm
Who is it who posted a note about someone named Zensi who is selling Girl Scout cookies. I can’t remember if she is a family member or a friend’s family member and where they are. If you see this, please let me know.
02:59 pm
I had a wonderful 4 day weekend with my grandkids, they have so much energy. So today I'm resting, cleaning and sipping tea.
03:06 pm
glad you had a good time with the grands. Children are a lot of energy and full of fun and positivity. Enjoy your rest. lol.
03:17 pm
MYSTERY BOXES have returned! Save me one, please.
03:12 pm
08:51 pm
so snowy outside!
03:25 pm
Classes cancelled today and now again tomorrow. I realize it is cold but this is college not elementary - we don’t stand outside for buses.
03:37 pm
That's crazy! Back when I taught college I never had a college cancel for cold, only for snow/ice. Now that I teach high school, we did have a delayed start due to extreme cold one time.
10:32 pm
Alas today is the end of my London Fog” sample tin. It has been a most enjoyable treat.
03:59 pm
Which one did you have, Bambi? I think there are at least 2.
07:05 pm
Jan - I had the one by Beloved Pearl
10:16 pm
The ginger coming before peach made me think the ginger would be more strong and pronounced but I mostly noticed the black tea flavor and a mild peach, and apricot flavor. A little honey definitely brought out the fruit.
04:02 pm
Good afternoon!! Stay warm!
04:24 pm
Does adagio ever sell Irish stout around St Patrick’s day? I can’t even find information on what it’s made up of. It looks like a black tea with clearly clover sprinkles.
04:49 pm
They do! I would estimate about March 3rd, it will be available. It's a tasty one.
04:57 pm
Sweet! Thank you so much for the info.
05:05 pm
The ingredients are: Assam Melody & Ceylon Sonata, Chicory, Cocoa Nibs, Natural Chocolate Flavor, Natural Creme Flavor, Sprinkles... it will probably be available, Tenise said..starting on the day that its in CommuniTEA. (Which I am so happy that its on my Bday!) And will stay available til supplies run out or until St. Patrick's Day..and then it goes on the Rewards page, if there is some left.
06:31 pm
Thank you for the ingredients list, is does sound tasty. Lucky you it happens to premiere on your birthday 😄
06:38 pm
It’s really good too, Ottum. It’s worth the wait and I grab an extra bag when it’s available. 😋
07:04 pm
Yes, so happy about that! Its super tasty & a crowd favorite!
Drank two cups of decaf chocolate truffle today. It's quickly becoming a favorite!
05:25 pm
Late to check in…I hope everyone had a good day! 🫖☀️
06:17 pm
I really don't like the new delivery people that the site has. This last one didn't even deliver to our porch, the amazon guy did, and I only know this because the amazon guy told me he almost ran over my package. Who the heck even just leaves a package in the middle of someone's driveway????
06:24 pm
Aww bummer
06:27 pm
I have never been a fan of our local FedEx, they literally toss packages off the truck and rolled them like bowling balls up driveways. UPS is hit or miss with a decent driver, my main issue with them is leaving a package out in the rain…I have a covered porch with a patio chair and yet out in the elements seems to be the brightest solution they have. USPS I’ve never had an issue with when it comes to packages, our town USPS has always kept them out of the elements, and on at least the porch. Can’t really say about Amazon…they aren’t common here, and tend to transfer packages to USPS. You’re not the only one frustrated with certain delivery folks.
06:55 pm
Hello all! Due to travel and illness, I’m having this box in a jumble this month. having cupids cup right now. Delightful.
06:26 pm
Feel much better soon, Danielle
07:00 pm
Feel better soon
10:59 pm
Today's tea seems nice. Not as spicy as I was thinking a ginger tea would be, which might be a good thing. I didn't really need to sweeten this one. In other news: we have a heating problem at home, and in sub-freezing weather; already called an HVAC place, so hopefully they can get to us quickly.
07:52 pm
Hope they are able to get to you and get it fixed fast.
10:53 pm
Happy Tuesday! I almost bought March commmunitea box, but I took too long to decide because now it's to late to get it here in time before we leave on vacation. I'm taking the kiddos to Disneyland for a week. The weather is looking so warm, I can't wait! I've had a lingering cough from having the flu, I'm hoping the warm sun will help.
08:46 pm
Good night, CT! 🥱 Long day.
09:00 pm
Does anyone know if the Summer-y teas return in Spring Equinox or is it later in the Spring?
09:15 pm
TRADE: I have a GOLDEN SLUMBERS MOON MILK card if anyone is interested.
09:29 pm
Stay warm friends
10:04 pm
Today was busy. Tomorrow is gonna be looooong. Also today a fuse blew at work and knocked out desks at several cubes. We played nose game. Was it my neighbors space heater? Another neighbor’s desk fan? Or…heaven forbid, my KETTLE?! Honestly probably all of us together but none of us wants to unplug our comforts 🤣
10:13 pm
Poor electrical support in the fuses sounds like the issue to me Elizabeth.
10:20 pm
We have to moderate our space heater settings or our cubicles go out. Low only, not high 😆 Mine automatically turns on high before I can change it to low, so we have to visit the breaker box regularly.
10:28 pm
Sounds about right lol, just like my office.
11:58 pm
In working on DDTS it appears I haven’t kept up with my sample reviews. I finished Darker Things today as well. I love chocolate and the cherry with it was a tasty treat.
10:26 pm
Good peach tea today
10:40 pm
Good night everyone. I’ll fill you in on my doggie saga tomorrow.
Give the gift of communiTEA! Near or far, friends and family can enjoy this unique experience together with a week-long trial. A perfect stocking stuffer, with sets of 5 available for only $9 each. Start spreading the tea-love today!